The purpose of 2025 Class Parents is to serve as an avenue for communication between the PTO, the school counselors, the administration, the Student Government, and BHS students and parents. Each grade level has a committee of parent representatives who remain with their class all four years.  





Christy Staggs 615.504.6653 marathonmom4@gmail.com
Shayna Gunn 615.557.8869 shaynagunn@yahoo.com




  • Partnering with the Academics & Fine Arts Committee, BHS school counselors, and administrators. By teaming up with these groups, Class Parent Leaders can promote the highest level of academic, artistic, and personal achievement; provide information on curriculum planning and the college preparation process; and support student government.
  • Meeting at least two times during the school year with parents and BHS representatives.
  • Establishing our role in assisting these other organizations in providing opportunities for our students.




The recommended per student donation is $150.  


History: For many years we broke up the Senior Celebration donation amount over a student's 4 years at BHS. We used to ask for a $20 donation Freshman year, a $20 donation Sophomore year, and a $20 donation Junior year, with the balance of $60 to be paid Senior year (total of $120). However, this proved to be confusing and often chaotic. Therefore, we changed course the Sophomore year of this class, the Class of 2025.


Now our goal is to send out information during the 2nd semester of Junior year to start the process of collecting for Senior year. Additionally, Class Parent Leaders decided to increase the requested donation amount to $150 to cover increased costs for senior treats and luncheons. (Please do not confuse this with the "Bridge the Gap" annual PTO fundraiser which is a totally separate campaign.)


"HELP! My student has been at BHS since Freshman year. What have I paid so far? Did I pay anything towards this? It's been so long I can't remember!" This pool of money has grown through your previous "POGS" (now known as "Class Parents") donation(s). If you have paid any previous amount, you will receive an email from Shayna Gunn, one of your Class Parent Leaders, on or before Sunday, January 21, 2024 with information on what you have paid to date. If you were logged in on our PTO website when you made your previous payment(s), you will be able to search your previous orders on this website. If you made your previous payments as a guest, there will not be a searchable record of orders on this website.  


Please note, we changed our name to "2025 Class Parents" (from POGS) in 2022 to better reflect our purpose.


No payments were collected at the start of Sophomore or Junior years for the Class of 2025.     




Your $150 Senior Celebration donation funds many events for EVERY student during their Senior year including:

  • Senior Treats (usually monthly)
  • Class of 2025 T-shirt
  • Senior Sunrise breakfast
  • Graduation yard signs
  • Baccalaureate
  • Graduation rehearsal luncheon
  • Graduation flowers
  • Costs of graduation expenses NOT covered by the $45 BHS "graduation fee" (which pays for diplomas, diploma covers, final transcript, cost of graduation venue, etc.) or by what the county subsidizes
  • AND so much more

Again, the funds that cover these expenses come from your donations. Gifts will depend on available funds and are coordinated by the 2025 Class Parents Leadership Team. 



Please contact Shayna Gunn or Christy Staggs (contact info above) if you have not paid your student's 2025 Senior Celebration donation and wish to do so.




BHS sponsors several wonderful events throughout the school year. These events are sponsored/led by the Student Government Association (SGA) or BHS faculty - not the PTO. Parents will be contacted by the BHS faculty sponsor or grade-level Assistant Principal specific to the event to share details, sign-ups, and other pertinent information as well as to potentially ask for donations or volunteer assistance.


Some of the great events that are sponsored/led by BHS include: 

  • Freshman Tailgate
  • Freshman Formal
  • Homecoming
  • Coming Home
  • Prom
  • Spring Spirit Week



If you have any general questions about Class Parents, send an email to the Class Parents Coordinator.